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A SPEL – Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino Lda – é parceira do Projeto “FAIRSCHOOL”, que decorrerá entre 2020 e 2023, e que contará com parceiros de Portugal, Espanha, Países Baixos, Turquia, Malta e Polónia.
Objetivos do projeto:
• Desenvolver estratégias na forma de atividades co-curriculares colaborativas que possam ser implementadas em sala de aula e outros contextos escolares;
• Aumentar as competências dos/as educadores/as escolares em metodologias inclusivas e abordagens pedagógicas, no sentido de promover a integração dos/as alunos/as e a compreensão mútua;
• Reforçar a capacidade das escolas na abordagem da inclusão social nos 6 países da parceria;
• Consciencializar e alargar o conhecimento dos pais e responsáveis pelos/as alunos/as, no que concerne ao seu papel no comportamento dos/as seus filhos/as, sobre o contexto de tolerância e abertura à diversidade;
• Sensibilizar para o problema da coesão social nas escolas multiculturais e promover a diversidade cultural nas escolas.
Resultados finais:
• Criar e validar atividades concretas destinadas a impulsionar a comunicação intercultural e a tolerância entre os/as alunos/as com base em abordagens inovadoras, como práticas restaurativas e aprendizagem social e emocional;
• Criar e validar a formação de reforço de capacidades online para professores e educadores;
• Aumentar a capacidade das escolas de responderem às salas de aula multiculturais promovendo, assim, a inclusão social de alunos/as de origem migratória e de diferentes origens socioeconómicas.
Acrónimo | FAIRSCHOOL |
Título | Fostering inclusive and fair environment for secondary students at intercultural school settings through a novel pedagogical method based on restorative practices and social & emotional learning |
Programa | Erasmus+ |
Ação-chave | KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education |
Referência | 2020-1-ES01-KA201-083026 |
Estado | A decorrer |
Data de início | 01-09-2020 |
Data de fim | 31-05-2023 |
Website | |
SPEL is one of the partners in the “FAIRSCHOOL” project, which will be implemented from 2020 to 2023. The partnership includes partners from Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Malta and Poland.
Project objectives:
• Develop strategies in the form of collaborative co-curriculum activities that can be implemented in classroom and school circles;
• Increase skills of school educators on inclusive methodologies and pedagogical approaches, for fostering pupil’s integration and mutual understanding;
• Enhance the capacity of schools in addressing social inclusion in 6 EU countries;
• Increase the consciousness and knowledge of parents and carers of students, on their role on the children behaviour, in the context of tolerance and open-mindedness toward diversity;
• Raise awareness on the problem of social cohesion in multicultural schools and to promote cultural diversity at schools.
Final results:
• Create and validate concrete activities aimed at boosting intercultural communication and tolerance amongst students based on innovative approaches such as restorative practices and social and emotional learning;
• Create and validate online capacity building training for teachers and educators;
• Increase the capacity of the schools to be responsive against the multicultural classrooms and thus boosting the level of social inclusion of students coming from migrant and different socio-economic backgrounds.
Acronym | FAIRSCHOOL |
Title | Fostering inclusive and fair environment for secondary students at intercultural school settings through a novel pedagogical method based on restorative practices and social & emotional learning |
Programme | Erasmus+ |
Key Action | KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education |
Reference | 2020-1-ES01-KA201-083026 |
Status | Ongoing |
Start date | 01-09-2020 |
End date | 31-05-2023 |
Website | |
• Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (applicant organisation);
• Ies Ignacio Aldecoa, Spain;
• In Dialogue Netherlands, Netherlands;
• Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino Lda, Portugal;
• Istanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari, Turkey;
• Maltepe Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey;
• Solidarity and Overseas Service Malta (SOS Malta), Malta;
• Uniwersytet W Bialymstoku, Poland;
• Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych Nr 2 w Bialymstoku, Poland.
© Copyright 2023 SPEL – Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino